Natural Resistant Starch by Dr. Ruot

Usage benefits:

Solves digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea and helps to have a more regular bowel movement
Quickly eliminate toxins produced during digestion from the body.
Regulate blood sugar, reduce postprandial glycemic response. Thus improving insulin sensitivity, preventing type 2 diabetes.
It is a food source for intestinal bacteria.
Lowering intestinal pH should help absorb minerals better and prevent the risk of colon cancer.




480 grams/box.

Products for the following subjects:

People with constipation
People with colon spasms
People with digestive disorders
People who want to improve their gut health
Pregnant women, children from 6 months old
People with chronic diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney failure…
Usage benefits:

Solves digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea and helps to have a more regular bowel movement
Quickly eliminate toxins produced during digestion from the body.
Regulate blood sugar, reduce postprandial glycemic response. Thus improving insulin sensitivity, preventing type 2 diabetes.
It is a food source for intestinal bacteria.
Lowering intestinal pH should help absorb minerals better and prevent the risk of colon cancer.

In 100 g of the product includes:

Resistant starch (11.1%)
Carbohydrates (65.09%), Crude Fiber (0.54%), Soluble Fiber (2.11%), Protein (26.64%), Lipids (0.88%) and other micronutrients.
It also provides 374.84 kCal of energy.



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